Digital Euro Association Blog

Hyperledger Global Forum 2022

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Join us at the upcoming Hyperledger Global Forum. This global forum is the biggest annual gathering of the global Hyperledger community. It is a unique opportunity for contributors, members, service providers and enterprise end users from around the world to meet, align, plan and hack together in person. The event is open to any and all who are involved or interested in using, developing or learning more about Hyperledger’s open source enterprise blockchain technologies. Attendees will hear directly from those who are actively developing and deploying Hyperledger technologies as well as technology and business leaders who are shaping the future of enterprise blockchain. They will also have the chance to talk directly with Hyperledger project maintainers and the Technical Steering Committee, collaborate with other organizations on ideas that will directly impact the future of Hyperledger Foundation, and promote their work among the communities. Talks and workshops on key topics such as CBDCs, tokenization, NFTs, Security, Climate Action, Interoperability, Digital Identity and more will be presented. View the agenda here.

DEA is a Community Partner for Global Forum and you can register here with the
code: 20HGF22DEA for 20% off tickets.



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