Ezechiel Copic

Ezechiel Copic

Global Head, Public Sector Research & Development at CLabs

Posts by Ezechiel Copic

How to insure against the risk of stablecoin runs

How to insure against the risk of stablecoin runs

Deposit insurance would boost consumer confidence The news that TerraUSD, one of the largest algorithmic stablecoins with a market cap once above $18bn, broke its peg to the dollar has reverberated throughout financial markets. Although the variety of mechanics behind algorithmic stab …

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It’s time to abandon the “Token vs. Account” discussion

It’s time to abandon the “Token vs. Account” discussion

Perusing any whitepaper or report on central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), the reader is almost certain to find a section devoted to the distinction between “token-based” and “account-based” CBDC, where ownership of the former is demonstrated by having knowledge of a private key (o …

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