Digital Euro Association Blog / CBDC (3)

OPINION – The technology behind the Digital Yuan

OPINION – The technology behind the Digital Yuan

Exactly one year ago, in early January, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) launched the Digital Yuan wallet apps for Android and iOS.

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Digital Euro Conference 2023: Unlock the Future of Digital Money!

Digital Euro Conference 2023: Unlock the Future of Digital Money!

The Digital Euro Conference 2023 is your chance to explore the latest trends in CBDCs, stablecoins, and tokenized commercial bank money. Join us on March 31st in Frankfurt and gain valuable insights from the top experts and thought leaders in the industry. Our event is designed for in …

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DEA Thesis Awards 2023: Call for Theses on central bank digital currencies and stablecoins

DEA Thesis Awards 2023: Call for Theses on central bank digital currencies and stablecoins

The Digital Euro Association (DEA) is delighted to announce the 2023 DEA Thesis Awards, and hereby calls for theses covering central bank digital currencies or stablecoins (including tokenized commercial bank money, etc.). Note that this is not a call for academic publications but rat …

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Privacy and CBDCs - DEA Working Group Paper

Privacy and CBDCs - DEA Working Group Paper

Privacy is regarded as a crucial factor in the investigation and development of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and is therefore thoroughly researched by monetary authorities, academia, and the private sector. Academic research indicates that CBDC transactions may involve proce …

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Bahamas central bank shares CBDC lessons from Sand Dollar’s first two years

Bahamas central bank shares CBDC lessons from Sand Dollar’s first two years

Rolle with it: Central Bank of the Bahamas governor John Rolle speaks via videolink to the conference | Global Government Fintech screenshot of the 'Towards a legislative framework for a digital euro' event video

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CBDCs and other new forms of digital money: Goodbye privacy and anonymity?

CBDCs and other new forms of digital money: Goodbye privacy and anonymity?

Authored by Claire Conby, Operational and Governance Lead at the Digital Pound Foundation and Chief Risk Officer at Billon Financial Ltd. This article first appeared on the Digital Pound Foundation Blog.

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CBDC Article Series - Russian Digital Ruble Effort

CBDC Article Series - Russian Digital Ruble Effort

1. Objective The objective of this paper is to summarize Russia’s CBDC efforts and identify aspects that could be relevant for the digital euro project. Perhaps more than any other CBDC pilot, there is significant interest regarding if and how a CBDC could help Russia’s stated goals t …

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CBDC Article Series - CBDCs go live - Bahamas, ECCU and Nigeria

CBDC Article Series - CBDCs go live - Bahamas, ECCU and Nigeria

Introduction According to the “Atlantic council CBDC tracker”, approximately 87 countries, representing over 90 percent of global GDP, are exploring CBDCs (Atlantic Council 2022). However, compared to the number of central banks researching this topic, very few have fully launched a C …

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CBDC Manifesto: Design Recommendations for a retail CBDC

CBDC Manifesto: Design Recommendations for a retail CBDC

On October 12th, the Digital Euro Association (DEA) and the CBDC Think Tank (CBDC TT) announced the CBDC Manifesto at the CBDC Summit 2022 in Washington D.C. The document was developed by the DEA, the CBDC TT, and world-leading CBDC experts.

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Merchants - key to the success of the digital euro

Merchants - key to the success of the digital euro

As Fabio Panetta, member of the Executive Board of the ECB, suggested at the last Annual Congress of the European Economic Association in Milan, “the market for payments is two-sided”. In this sense, the success of the digital euro would largely depend on its adoption not only by cons …

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