Digital Euro Association Blog / CBDC (4)

CBDC Article Series -  The Chinese digital yuan

CBDC Article Series -  The Chinese digital yuan

Authors - Dr. Jochen Biedermann and Juan Gutierrez. This is the second article in our Public Digital Euro Working Group series. The objective of this article is to provide an updated perspective on the e-CNY (aka e-RMB, Digital Yuan, Digital Renminbi - the Chinese CBDC) for those alre …

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Recap of the CBDC Conference 2022

Recap of the CBDC Conference 2022

The much anticipated CBDC Conference was held in Frankfurt, Germany, from August 29-31, 2022. This leading central bank digital currency (CBDC) conference offered representatives from central banks, the financial sector, technology providers, policymakers, and academics the perfect pl …

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Article Series - CBDC pilots and research, lessons for the digital euro

Article Series - CBDC pilots and research, lessons for the digital euro

Introduction Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have evolved in just a few years from a purely academic discussion to an intense debate among central banks around the world about the future of public and private digital money. As of 2022, most central banks are at least conductin …

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Digital Euro Association partners with Payment and Financial Technologies Development Center of the National Bank of Kazakhstan

Digital Euro Association partners with Payment and Financial Technologies Development Center of the National Bank of Kazakhstan

The Digital Euro Association (DEA) is delighted to announce its partnership with the Payment and Financial Technologies Development Center of NBK (PFTDC). The PFTDC has been running the Digital Tenge pilot project since 2021 in order to test a tokenized form of the digital tenge for u …

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A successful implementation of a Digital Euro depends on solving the “CBDC Design Trilemma”

A successful implementation of a Digital Euro depends on solving the “CBDC Design Trilemma”

Blockchain can be defined as a system that sometimes sacrifices performance for the sake of increased security and decentralisation (Nakamoto, 2008). To become a useful retail CBDC, any chosen digital euro implementation should perform as fast as other competing payment systems such a …

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OPINION – The Digital Yuan as a tool for Cross-Border Payments

OPINION – The Digital Yuan as a tool for Cross-Border Payments

In early January, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) launched the Digital Yuan wallet apps for Android and iOS.

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Ahead of the digital euro: Public Digital Euro Working Group Recommendations

Ahead of the digital euro: Public Digital Euro Working Group Recommendations

Which primary characteristics must a digital euro possess to guarantee being a serious alternative to physical money in the future? The answer to this question is provided by systematically reviewing three different levels of analysis. First, the various design dimensions of a digital …

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Hyperledger Global Forum 2022

Hyperledger Global Forum 2022

Join us at the upcoming Hyperledger Global Forum. This global forum is the biggest annual gathering of the global Hyperledger community. It is a unique opportunity for contributors, members, service providers and enterprise end users from around the world to meet, align, plan and hack …

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Central bank digital currency (CBDC) – why go slow

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) – why go slow

Written by Amnon Samid and Professor Gideon Samid National currency is a foundational element in society. A switch from material coins and banknotes, and their counting balance to a novel cyber entity comprised of a string of bits, is a big move with a lot of promise, alas facing a my …

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DEA provides industry insights on digital euro design to ECB

DEA provides industry insights on digital euro design to ECB

The Digital Euro Association (DEA) is delighted to have been invited by the European Central Bank (ECB) to the Civil Society Seminar Series “Shaping the Digital Euro”. The seminar was an internal, online, and invite-only workshop between the ECB Deputy Head of Public Communications Ro …

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